Ion Cleanse

IonCleanse® Premier™

IonCleanse System, Total Body Cleansing Products, Detoxification System Colorado

Recall the way your body felt the last time you stood next to a waterfall or walked along a beach with the waves breaking at your feet. You breathed deeper into your lungs and abdomen, your brain cleared and the pains in your joints subsided. You felt relaxed and at peace with the world. These invigorating reactions were caused by the ionization of trillions of water molecules as they crashed to earth.


How the IonCleanse® Works

AC electricity is converted to low power DC electricity which flows through a patented electrode system that sits in the footbath. The electricity and the metal combine to split the water molecule into H+ and OH- ions. These ions travel through the body, neutralize oppositely charged particles and through powerful osmotic pressure pull those neutralized particles out of the body through whatever skin surface is in contact with the water.

The IonCleanse® Premier™  State Of The Art Features:

1. Five different session programs
2. Dual Polarity
3. FCC and CE safety approvals
4. Overnight warranty repair service
5. Lifetime Customer Service & Support
6. Made in the USA

Five Different Session Programs

As with any cleansing modality, versatility is extremely important. With the IonCleanse® Premier™ Vitality Enhancement System the user is able to select from five session programs allowing almost anyone to use the equipment. Most of the other units on the market offer only a single session program. Users of these “mono-polar” units may eventually complain of dizziness, nausea and light-headedness during the session. These effects are attributed to using the wrong polarity. Users of the IonCleanse® Premier™ will almost never feel these sensations.

Dual Polarity

The IonCleanse® Premier™ has the ability to switch from a positive polarity (which produces a predominance of negative ions in the water) to a negative polarity (which produces a predominance of positive ions in the water) and visa versa. Our patented array configuration is the only one of its kind to produce both positive and negative ions in the water.

FCC & CE Safety Approvals

The IonCleanse® Premier™ uses a direct current to perform electrolysis on the water. The direct current originates from an alternating current from a wall outlet. The IonCleanse® Premier™ is the only foot bath of its type to receive FCC & CE safety approvals, making it the safest purifying foot bath available on the market.

Overnight Warranty Repair Service

Should you experience a problem with your IonCleanse® Premier™ during the warranty period that is due to a manufacturer’s defect, AMD will overnight a temporary unit to you (available to US residents only) and provide you with a prepaid return service for your malfunctioning unit.

Lifetime Customer Service & Support

The use of ionization devices is far more complicated than simply putting someone’s feet in water and turning on the switch. The reason for A Major Difference’s popularity and success is the clinical support it provides to both practitioner and individual on a continuing basis. We teach you how to use the unit safely and effectively; we are available during business hours to help guide you through your personal or practice challenges and we offer ongoing educational opportunities through seminars and professional training.

Made In The USA

The IonCleanse® Premier™ is manufactured and assembled in the United States. Strict quality control standards, along with a team of engineers with over 100 years of combined experience, ensure that the IonCleanse® Premier™ product is the top of the line ionic foot bath available on the market today. With a failure rate of less than 1% dating back to March of 2002, the IonCleanse® Premier™ has a proven track record that no one else can match.


IonCleanse Premier

Only $3000.00 USD!

Free Shipping in the Continental United States


Order now by credit card, check, or money order.



(303) 494-4532

Boulder, Colorado

Monday through Saturday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Mountain Standard Time (MST)


About the Natural Vision Improvement Workshops

In this comprehensive one day workshop, you will come to understand why vision deteriorates and how it can be corrected naturally. You will also learn exercises to strengthen your eye’s ability to focus, thus reducing your need for glasses. Although visual deterioration is a natural part of aging, this process can be slowed, even reversed, with lifestyle changes, targeted exercise and proper nutrition.

The Dr. Banker Method creates a unique health plan, combining cross-cultural exercises and traditional healing methods for each person. The “Natural Vision Improvement” one day seminar gives you personal interaction with Dr. Banker’s associates as they guide you through your body, identifying where your system most needs attention. They then demonstrate the exercises and procedures that will assist you in bringing yourself to a more healthful state of being.

Vision Improvement Workshops are $700.00, registration a minimum of two weeks in advance is required. The Workshops are held Saturdays, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM with a break for lunch.

Included with the class is the The Dr. Banker Natural Vision Improvement Kit,
which contains a 200 Page Workbook, 4 Audio Compact Discs, 2 DVD video discs, and 8 Laminated Eye Charts, a $200.00 value.

For more information, or to
place an order,
please call our office in:

Boulder, Colorado

(303) 494-4532

Monday through Saturday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Mountain Standard Time (MST)


From the January 2002 Idaho Observer:

Dr. Banker’s Basics Of Eye Care

It is of perpetual wonder that we can live in an age so
technologically advanced that we can have computers and telephones but
cannot convince organized medicine’s health practitioners that our bodies
have tremendous capacities for healing the damage we do to them if we
will simply supply them with the tools to do so. The following story
shows that diet and exercise can reverse degenerative eye disorders
that organized opthalmology recognizes as chronic. This is just one more
example of how no damage is so great that it cannot be reversed — that
is if we are willing to make the lifestyle changes necessary for healing

By Amy Worthington

After enjoying 20/20 vision for most of my life, I was
naturally distressed when my eyesight gradually became so fuzzy I could
no longer clearly see the food on my plate, let alone read a line of
small text.

My eye doctor pronounced me a victim of presbyopia, advancing
nearsightedness that afflicts almost everyone by age 40. He told me
to plop a pair of glasses on my nose, but didn’t mention that glasses
weaken the eyes and eventually exacerbate the problems they are intended
to correct. I asked him if exercises or vitamins would reverse the fuzz.
He glowered at me through his extra-thick glasses and said “Not a chance.”

Neither of us knew then about Dr. Deborah Banker, a rather
brilliant and innovative ophthalmologist of Malibu, California. Having
spent over a million dollars on her education, Dr. Banker has developed
a multi-faceted program for the correction of a variety of vision problems
without invasive surgery.

Pulling together an amazing regime of eye and body exercises,
diet improvement, eastern holistic techniques plus electro-magnetic
therapies, she has created an amazing and successful program to improve
— and in some cases cure — a broad range of ophthalmological disorders.

Dr. Banker uses glasses to strengthen the eyes of her
patients by under-prescribing lens corrections so that the eyes will
be challenged to focus on their own without weakening vision.

By some stroke of good fortune, I heard Dr. Banker speaking
on a radio show, then decided to try her self-help program. After receiving
her vision care kit, which includes both audio and video aids, I went
to work. What I learned about my condition was encouraging and empowering.
Sharpness of vision gradually deteriorates because of weak muscles,
both external and internal to the eye. Eye muscles atrophy from neglect
until they actually change the shape of the body of the eye, affecting
both focusing ability and field of vision.

The ciliary muscle, which controls the lens of the eye,
needs to be exercised regularly, lest it stiffen and leave us with a
very dim view. Also important is the vitreous body, the gel-like substance
made of water and protein which fills the back 4/5ths of the eye. This
is where vision-disrupting floaters form when the gel dehydrates as
we age. Plenty of fluids, certain herbs and regular eye exercises can
even mitigate the effects of this condition.

When I began using Dr. Banker’s wonderful eye yoga techniques,
my eye muscles felt old and tired — petrified actually. My ciliary
muscle complained painfully about having to adjust focus as I made it
watch my thumbs moving from way out there to right up close. But practice
makes perfect and soon my rusty old eyes were rolling around painlessly
and adjusting to focus changes rather smoothly. I also worked faithfully
with Dr. Banker’s breathing exercises, the various eye charts and other
exercise tools in the kit. I was amazed at how quickly my vision improved.
Finally one day, I could actually clearly see my pancakes — sans glasses.

What I discovered however, is that no improvement is permanent
if you neglect your exercises. Keeping eye muscles in tone has to be
a lifelong commitment. Improving eyesight also take patience. Most people
improve by ¼ diopter per month if they are committed and consistent.

Dr. Banker’s in-depth material is a valuable glossary
on the structure and function of the eye, modern medicine’s understanding
of visual optics and refraction plus the fundamentals of eye disorders
and medications. She offers amazing information on how stress and dietary
deficiencies affect the eyesight. She teaches that we cannot understand
the intricacies of vision until we understand circulation, relaxation,
oxygenation, body meridians, massage and acupressure. Dr. Banker’s basic
tips on how to avoid eye strain include using low-intensity, full spectrum
lighting, sitting so as not to compress the lungs, allowing your eyes
to wander around the room at intervals and periodic stretching.

Dr. Banker’s eye kit is a gift to those who derive great
joy from seeing clearly the immense beauty of this world. She reveals
fascinating Chinese secrets for good vision, which she says keeps the
majority of Chinese from needing glasses. Her advice on how to use mental
techniques to keep vision sharp is especially interesting. Who would
think that soothing eye masks, a hot bath full of mineral salts and
essential oils (which open the lungs and relax the extraocular muscles)
could exponentially improve eyesight? Keeping the diet full of high-water
content fruits and veggies plus critical antioxidants is another key
to safeguarding vision.

How wonderful it would be if we taught our children these things so
that they would appreciate their eyesight and learn how to prevent damage
and deterioration of their eyes. It is certainly never too early to
learn Dr. Banker’s important steps for preventing cataracts and other
manifestations of eye damage and abuse.

Read more Testimonials


Micro-Current Eye

For more than 100 years, electromagnetic medicine has been used to treat various diseases of the body with great success, especially those for which there have been no cures. But little is known to the general public. Electromagnetic medicine dates back as far as 1882 to the work done with batteries by Dr. S.E. Morrill M.D.

Dr. Banker has incorporated twenty years of scientific research on the human electromagnetic field into her specialty of regenerative medicine for the eyes. This knowledge led to the creation of her patented SEEDS machine.  Dr. Banker employs electromagnetic medicine or microcurrent stimulation as an integral part of her unique treatment program along with other traditional healing methods and alternative modalities. She uses a microcurrent stimulating device she invented, SEEDS (subtle electromagnetic energy device system), to stimulate energy and life force into damaged or traumatized nerve cells and tissue. In many cases, the nonfunctioning nerve is swollen, not dead, and can be reactivated.

We see tremendous results using the SEEDS system on degenerative eye diseases such as Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Vascular Retinal Disease, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma and Blindness. Besides improving many forms of progressive blindness, the SEEDS machine helps to reset the autonomic nervous system, boosts the immune system, has brought people out of comas and helps reverse many types of degenerative eye diseases. Dr. Banker has thousands of case studies showing miraculous improvements with diseases formerly considered incurable. Some of the “Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation” (TENS) devices currently used in the medical treatment of neurological eye diseases are the SEEDS System, the Electro-Acuscope 80, the Micro Stim 100 and other microcurrent systems.


Deborah E. Banker, M.D., Ophthalmologist, General Practitioner and pioneer in the field of complimentary medicine, an internationally known crusader and lecturer on “Natural Vision Improvement” – improving vision without glasses.

Unlike many eye doctors, Dr. Banker long recognized that the health of the entire body, as well as nutrition and attitude, have a great deal to do with vision, energy of the body, and the aging process. Every system in the body contributes to vision in one way or another. The eyes are one of the most sensitive barometers for the overall health of the body. A vision problem usually isn’t just an eye problem. Other parts of the body – the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and digestive tract may not be functioning properly.

Deborah Banker, Martin Sussman, Dror Schneider and Carol Gallup responding to audience questions during a panel Q&A

Deborah Banker, Martin Sussman, Dror Schneider
and Carol Gallup responding to audience
questions during a panel Q&A

Dr. Banker spent decades researching this subject by exploring Western, Oriental and holistic healing approaches. She worked with people individually and in group sessions, creating a unique health plan, combining traditional healing methods and cross-cultural exercises for the eyes and body. These include Yoga, Tai Chi, ballet, general toning, stretching and breathing. The eye exercises used originate from all over the world: Bates, Ayurvedic, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, and classic Western Orthoptics. Also employed to re-harmonize the entire system are acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, massage, kinesiology, polarity therapy, reflexology, auricular therapy, hypnotherapy, vibrational healing, manual energy transfer, hot packs, body soaks and much more.

Deborah Banker was born in St. Michael’s Hospital, Grand Forks, ND, April 14th, 1952. Her childhood years were spent in Mohall, ND, and she graduated from Mohall High School. She received her pre-medical training at the University of Colorado and her medical degree from the University of North Dakota. Dr. Banker practiced medicine in both Colorado and California.



Heart Of Mind Radio

with Kathryn Davis

Steven Levy M.D.
Clinical Study – Stem Cell Treatment
for Eye Diseases

Listen live: WBAI.ORG
New York City, New York

Friday May 7, 2020

11:00 AM – Eastern Standard Time




Heart Of Mind Radio

with Kathryn Davis

WBAI December Fund Drive!

Listen live: WBAI.ORG
New York City, New York

Friday Decemeber 4, 2020

11:00 AM – Eastern Standard Time



Heart Of Mind Radio

with Kathryn Davis

GUEST: Kia Washington M.D.
Whole Eye Transplantation!

Listen live: WBAI.ORG
New York City, New York

Friday March 20, 2020

11:00 AM – Eastern Standard Time



WBAI Fund Drive

Airs Wednesday July 31, 2 PM to 4 PM EST

Re-Airs July through August 2019

with Kathryn Davis

Listen live: WBAI.ORG
New York City, New York



Heart Of Mind Radio

with Kathryn Davis

Listen live: WBAI.ORG
New York City, New York

Saturday April 27th 2019

1:00 PM – Eastern Standard Time



Healthy Woman

Jewel Cabeza De Vaca

Listen live:
KSFR 101.1 FM – Santa Fe, New Mexico

Saturday, September 22, 2018
2:00 PM Mountain Standard Time



Heart Of Mind Radio

with Kathryn Davis

Listen live:
New York City, New York

Saturday March 10, 2018

6:00 PM – Eastern Standard Time


WBAI Fund Drive

with Kathryn Davis

Listen live: WBAI.ORG
New York City, New York

May 2017

1:00 to 3:00 PM – Eastern Standard Time



What’s Left, What’s Right

with Ernie Sanders

Listen Live: HERE

WHKW 1220 AM
Cleveland, Ohio

Wednesday July 27, 2016

10:30 PM – Eastern Standard Time



All Spirit Driven

with Cheryln Peavler

Listen Live:

Monday June 27, 2016

2:00 PM – Pacific Standard Time



with Julie Ryan

Listen: CBS Radio

KNCI FM 105.1
Sacramento, California

Sunday, April 3, 2015

6:00 AM – Pacific Standard Time



Read more

Dermal Tone unavailable since 2006 – Tua Viso is the superior replacement!

The DermalTone product line was cancelled August, 2006. now
proudly offers the superior FDA Approved Tua Viso!

Tua Viso!

Introducing the Tua Viso Facial Exerciser!
The easy, natural, non-surgical do it your self
electronic facelift!

Tua Viso Tua Viso

Tua Viso

The Tua Viso is an FDA Approved replacement for the Dermal Tone Facial Exerciser. It has a fully rechargeable battery and delivers advanced technology features, making it a superior device.

During life, our face undergoes visible changes: wrinkles appear and become more accentuated, the face’s oval changes its lines, the skin loses its normal elasticity and becomes superfluous, causing bags under the eyes, flabby cheeks and relaxation on the neck. Cosmetics can effectively moisturize and smooth the skin, but to lift the face, work must be done on the structural parts, in other words, the muscles.
Using the Tua Viso, electrostimulation tones up and firms the face muscles with clearly visible face surface remodeling.Tua Viso has been developed taking into account these requirements:
Restoring tone and a youthful look to the face and representing a major alternative for those who cannot or do not want to face surgical lifting.

Tua VisoTua Viso Facial ExerciserTua Viso Kit

Use the Tua Viso anywhere!
It’s compact dimensions, light weight, rechargeable battery power and illuminated panel ensure easy use anywhere and in any situation.

Tua Viso Facial Exerciser

Just $300.00 USD – Free shipping in the U.S.A!

For more information or to place an order call

(303) 494-4532

Monday through Saturday, 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Mountain Standard Time
(Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.)

Slow down the aging process of your face with the Tua Viso, complete facial exercise treatment.  This lightweight, easy to use device lifts, tones and tightens the facial skin with long-lasting results. You can save yourself thousands of dollars on collagen injections and cosmetic surgery.  Give yourself the gift of a face lift, the non-surgical, natural way.
Much of what we consider natural aging of the face is really just flabby muscles. This makes the shape of the face and the skin sag.  If we knew how to exercise these delicate muscles, much of the tone of the youthful face would come back.
The Tua Viso facial exerciser is a proven system that gently and safely stimulates the muscles of the face by introducing fine micro-electro impulses, thus the muscles contract and the youthful look returns.  For example, when the muscle around the eyes (orbicularis oris) contracts, it pushes back the fat below the eyes, puffiness diminishes and a clear younger appearance results. The Tua Viso also helps to exercise the thin muscle in the neck which begins to sag around age 40.This is a difficult area to correct even surgically, but the Tua Viso facial exerciser helps to energize this area, improving circulation.
Using it just minutes a day, we have seen major changes in just three days, although everyone’s progress is individual. Fully rechargeable, it is safe and simple to operate which makes it versatile for travel.  Not much larger than a typical cell phone, you can carry it in your purse and treat yourself to a natural face lift whenever convenient during the day. Why pay salon prices of over $1,000 for similar results when you can purchase your own Tua Viso facial exercise machine for just $300.00!
Major benefits of Tua Viso include:
  • Helps improve facial nerve damage
  • Tightens and tones the face and skin around the eyes
  • Energizes the eyes by improving circulation
  • Reactivates the muscles and nerves
  • Promotes lymphatic drainage
  • May help you better focus for near distances

Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal Herbs and Supplements

3 months

Angelica – Helps muscles stay relaxed in the neck, eyes and body. (For women and men)
Auricularex – Improves nutrition to the ear.
Cataract Improving Pills – Improves clarity of the lens and retina; nourishes the liver and kidneys. Eliminates oxidized cells from the lens.
Dong Quai – Dong quai is used for menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menopausal symptoms. Orally as a ”blood purifier”; to manage hypertension, infertility, joint pain, ulcers, “tired blood” (anemia), and constipation; and in the prevention and treatment of allergic attacks.
Hawthorne – Opens up circulation in the brain, eyes and heart.
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan – Nutrition for the eye; improves clarity, moisture and comfort in eye; yin nourishing; nourishes the liver and kidneys. Improves near-sightedness, night vision, floaters and photophobia (sensitivity to bright light).
4 Months
MSM Eye & Ear Drops – Nourishes the cornea, conjunctiva and lens; contains sulfur molecule which is necessary for the production of protein (important for the health of most tissues and special collagen may improve eye pressure)
Baineiting Eye Drops / Perenoxine Sodium – Nourishes the epithelium which improves the lens, cornea and conjunctiva; improves clarity and surface moisture; may improve eye pressure. Improves cataracts (stage 1 and 2), eliminates oxidized cells from the lens.
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan – Nourishes and strengthens the retina, macula, optic nerve, vitreous and ear. Can help with macular degeneration, wet or dry; diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa.
4 Months
Shihu Yeguang Wan – Reduces inflammation and swelling of the eye and the iris. Helps with glaucoma, iritis.
Shou Wu Pian – Enriches liver, kidneys, marrow and sperm; tonifies blood, strengthens bones and tendons which helps legs; improves memory; helps keep hair color.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan – Emperor’s Tea Pill -Calms restlessness; improves memory and accelerated heart rate.
Xiao Yao Wan – Alleviates female symptoms, relieves liver stagnation.
Yin Chao – Improves the health of the lungs, sinuses, throat, respiratory passages and the lining of the conjunctiva.

Medicinal Herbs and Supplements

Free Shipping in the Continental United States

Order now by credit card, check, or money order.



(303) 494-4532

Boulder, Colorado

Monday through Saturday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Mountain Standard Time (MST)

The Dr. Banker Self Help Natural
Vision Improvement Kit

Self Help Natural Vision Improvement Workbook

Complete Comprehensive
1 Hour Instruction Video
30 Minute Information Video
4 One Hour Instructional Audios
All on one USB memory stick!
Rosenbaum Near Vision
(For reading vision)
Snellen Eye Exam
(For distance vision)
Eight Laminated Eye Exercise Charts


This home study kit shows you non-surgical methods that improve vision, whether you are farsighted or nearsighted, or have presbyopia. It also helps prevent eye damage and eye fatigue caused by continuous exposure to computer monitors.
It contains 15 years of research and development by M.D. Ophthalmologist Dr. Deborah Banker, who developed this system.
The kit contains several different techniques from China, Tibet, India, and the United States, which improve eye sight and prevent eye disease. This will allow you to improve your vision yourself, naturally, in the privacy of your home or office. It can eliminate costly visits to vision therapists and other practitioners who just sell you stronger glasses or contacts which are not helping your eyes, but harming them.
The kit includes one workbook, a memory stick containing a one hour instructional video, a 30 minute information video, and four 1 hour audio files, covering nutrition, relaxation, meditation and eye exercises.
Also included are eight 8.5″ x 11″ laminated eye exercise charts, and two vision exam eye charts for checking reading and distance vision. Directional eye exercises, pencil pushups, nutritional and attitude changes, acupressure, reflexology, circular massage and lens reduction are some of the techniques you will use.
Thousands have improved their eye sight using these nonsurgical methods and they work for all age groups. Just 15 minutes a day, to achieve better vision, using these easy to follow methods, will reduce your need for glasses, trifocals, bifocals and contacts, naturally.
One kit can be used by the entire family!

Complete Vision Kit Table of Contents (.pdf)


The Dr. Deborah Banker
Self-Help Vision Care
Natural Vision Improvement Kit

Only $200.00 USD!

Free Shipping in the Continental United States


Order now by credit card, check, or money order.



(303) 494-4532

Boulder, Colorado

Monday through Saturday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Mountain Standard Time (MST)

Workshops 2024

Click here for Workshop Description


Natural Vision Improvement Workshop
Westin Peach Tree Plaza Hotel
210 Peach Tree St. N.W. Atlanta, GA. 30303
(404) 659-1400 | Google Map
Saturday February 17, 2024 10 AM to 4 PM
Registration required by 2/2/2024
Call John Monroe (303) 494-4532


Natural Vision Improvement Workshop
Best Western Americania Hotel
121 7th St. San Francisco, CA. 94103
Phone: (415) 626-0200 | Google Map
Saturday March 16, 2024 10 AM to 4 PM
Registration required by 3/1/2024
Call John Monroe (303) 494-4532

Natural Vision Improvement Workshop
Hilton Hotel & Meeting Center
151 Greenwich Ave. Stamford, CT. 06902
(203) 967-2222 | Google Map
Saturday April 20, 2024 10 AM to 4 PM
Registration required by 3/5/2024
Call John Monroe (303) 494-4532

MAY Natural Vision Improvement Workshop

Millennium Hilton New York One UN Plaza
One UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017
(212) 758-1234 | Google Map

Saturday May 20, 2024 10 AM to 4 PM
Registration required by 5/5/2024
Call John Monroe (303) 494-4532

Natural Vision Improvement Workshop
Marriott Newton Hotel
2345 Commonwealth Ave. Newton, MA. 02466
(617) 969-1000 | Google Map
Saturday June 15, 2024 10 AM to 4 PM
Registration required by 5/31/2024
Call John Monroe (303) 494-4532

Read more Workshops 2024