Medicinal Herbs and Supplements |
3 months |
Angelica – Helps muscles stay relaxed in the neck, eyes and body. (For women and men)
Auricularex – Improves nutrition to the ear.
Cataract Improving Pills – Improves clarity of the lens and retina; nourishes the liver and kidneys. Eliminates oxidized cells from the lens.
Dong Quai – Dong quai is used for menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menopausal symptoms. Orally as a ”blood purifier”; to manage hypertension, infertility, joint pain, ulcers, “tired blood” (anemia), and constipation; and in the prevention and treatment of allergic attacks. |
Hawthorne – Opens up circulation in the brain, eyes and heart.
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan – Nutrition for the eye; improves clarity, moisture and comfort in eye; yin nourishing; nourishes the liver and kidneys. Improves near-sightedness, night vision, floaters and photophobia (sensitivity to bright light).
4 Months |
MSM Eye & Ear Drops – Nourishes the cornea, conjunctiva and lens; contains sulfur molecule which is necessary for the production of protein (important for the health of most tissues and special collagen may improve eye pressure)
Baineiting Eye Drops / Perenoxine Sodium – Nourishes the epithelium which improves the lens, cornea and conjunctiva; improves clarity and surface moisture; may improve eye pressure. Improves cataracts (stage 1 and 2), eliminates oxidized cells from the lens.
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan – Nourishes and strengthens the retina, macula, optic nerve, vitreous and ear. Can help with macular degeneration, wet or dry; diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa.
4 Months |
Shihu Yeguang Wan – Reduces inflammation and swelling of the eye and the iris. Helps with glaucoma, iritis.
Shou Wu Pian – Enriches liver, kidneys, marrow and sperm; tonifies blood, strengthens bones and tendons which helps legs; improves memory; helps keep hair color.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan – Emperor’s Tea Pill -Calms restlessness; improves memory and accelerated heart rate.
Xiao Yao Wan – Alleviates female symptoms, relieves liver stagnation.
Yin Chao – Improves the health of the lungs, sinuses, throat, respiratory passages and the lining of the conjunctiva.
Medicinal Herbs and Supplements