
From the January 2002 Idaho Observer:

Dr. Banker’s Basics Of Eye Care

It is of perpetual wonder that we can live in an age so
technologically advanced that we can have computers and telephones but
cannot convince organized medicine’s health practitioners that our bodies
have tremendous capacities for healing the damage we do to them if we
will simply supply them with the tools to do so. The following story
shows that diet and exercise can reverse degenerative eye disorders
that organized opthalmology recognizes as chronic. This is just one more
example of how no damage is so great that it cannot be reversed — that
is if we are willing to make the lifestyle changes necessary for healing

By Amy Worthington

After enjoying 20/20 vision for most of my life, I was
naturally distressed when my eyesight gradually became so fuzzy I could
no longer clearly see the food on my plate, let alone read a line of
small text.

My eye doctor pronounced me a victim of presbyopia, advancing
nearsightedness that afflicts almost everyone by age 40. He told me
to plop a pair of glasses on my nose, but didn’t mention that glasses
weaken the eyes and eventually exacerbate the problems they are intended
to correct. I asked him if exercises or vitamins would reverse the fuzz.
He glowered at me through his extra-thick glasses and said “Not a chance.”

Neither of us knew then about Dr. Deborah Banker, a rather
brilliant and innovative ophthalmologist of Malibu, California. Having
spent over a million dollars on her education, Dr. Banker has developed
a multi-faceted program for the correction of a variety of vision problems
without invasive surgery.

Pulling together an amazing regime of eye and body exercises,
diet improvement, eastern holistic techniques plus electro-magnetic
therapies, she has created an amazing and successful program to improve
— and in some cases cure — a broad range of ophthalmological disorders.

Dr. Banker uses glasses to strengthen the eyes of her
patients by under-prescribing lens corrections so that the eyes will
be challenged to focus on their own without weakening vision.

By some stroke of good fortune, I heard Dr. Banker speaking
on a radio show, then decided to try her self-help program. After receiving
her vision care kit, which includes both audio and video aids, I went
to work. What I learned about my condition was encouraging and empowering.
Sharpness of vision gradually deteriorates because of weak muscles,
both external and internal to the eye. Eye muscles atrophy from neglect
until they actually change the shape of the body of the eye, affecting
both focusing ability and field of vision.

The ciliary muscle, which controls the lens of the eye,
needs to be exercised regularly, lest it stiffen and leave us with a
very dim view. Also important is the vitreous body, the gel-like substance
made of water and protein which fills the back 4/5ths of the eye. This
is where vision-disrupting floaters form when the gel dehydrates as
we age. Plenty of fluids, certain herbs and regular eye exercises can
even mitigate the effects of this condition.

When I began using Dr. Banker’s wonderful eye yoga techniques,
my eye muscles felt old and tired — petrified actually. My ciliary
muscle complained painfully about having to adjust focus as I made it
watch my thumbs moving from way out there to right up close. But practice
makes perfect and soon my rusty old eyes were rolling around painlessly
and adjusting to focus changes rather smoothly. I also worked faithfully
with Dr. Banker’s breathing exercises, the various eye charts and other
exercise tools in the kit. I was amazed at how quickly my vision improved.
Finally one day, I could actually clearly see my pancakes — sans glasses.

What I discovered however, is that no improvement is permanent
if you neglect your exercises. Keeping eye muscles in tone has to be
a lifelong commitment. Improving eyesight also take patience. Most people
improve by ¼ diopter per month if they are committed and consistent.

Dr. Banker’s in-depth material is a valuable glossary
on the structure and function of the eye, modern medicine’s understanding
of visual optics and refraction plus the fundamentals of eye disorders
and medications. She offers amazing information on how stress and dietary
deficiencies affect the eyesight. She teaches that we cannot understand
the intricacies of vision until we understand circulation, relaxation,
oxygenation, body meridians, massage and acupressure. Dr. Banker’s basic
tips on how to avoid eye strain include using low-intensity, full spectrum
lighting, sitting so as not to compress the lungs, allowing your eyes
to wander around the room at intervals and periodic stretching.

Dr. Banker’s eye kit is a gift to those who derive great
joy from seeing clearly the immense beauty of this world. She reveals
fascinating Chinese secrets for good vision, which she says keeps the
majority of Chinese from needing glasses. Her advice on how to use mental
techniques to keep vision sharp is especially interesting. Who would
think that soothing eye masks, a hot bath full of mineral salts and
essential oils (which open the lungs and relax the extraocular muscles)
could exponentially improve eyesight? Keeping the diet full of high-water
content fruits and veggies plus critical antioxidants is another key
to safeguarding vision.

How wonderful it would be if we taught our children these things so
that they would appreciate their eyesight and learn how to prevent damage
and deterioration of their eyes. It is certainly never too early to
learn Dr. Banker’s important steps for preventing cataracts and other
manifestations of eye damage and abuse.

From ‘C.W.’

My name is C.W. I am Assistant Director of Therapy
Services at Athens-Limestone Hospital, Athens, Alabama. I have worked
for this hospital for 24 years. Therapy Services consist of the following
departments: Respiratory Care, Sleep Center, Physical Therapy, Sports
Med, Cardiovascular Lab, and Home Medical Equipment. I am a Certified
Respiratory Therapist and a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist.
I work closely with the active staff of the hospital in both the administrative
and technical arena. I say all this to inform you of my medical background,
but my most important and treasured role of my life is the proud mother
of a 12-year-old daughter.

This letter is written to attest the positive effects
of Dr. Banker’s treatment regimen and professional ethics. A brief
synopsis should help explain my attestation. After seeing one ophthalmologist
and two Retina specialists, I was diagnosed with Retinoschisis. Emergency
laser surgery was performed to hopefully prevent further schisis.
Due to conflicting opinions between the Retina specialists, I sought
a third opinion. I finally was convinced, that I had Retinoschisis
and I was told there was nothing more to do and currently no cure.
I researched this diagnosis through conversations with well-known
eye clinics in the western and northern regions of the United States
and all recommended I visit the “Fighting Blindness” website.
This in conjunction with my failing eyesight, loss of visual field,
and a constant light show of floaters, flashes, and swirling lights
crushed my spirit of hope! I could not accept that absolutely nothing
could be done to at least improve the visual field that had not been
affected, so I continued to research for help. My physician told me
he had seen Dr. Banker at a conference and that she was doing some
pretty amazing things with eyes. I got on her website and immediately
called her.

Dr. Banker told me of her medical background and
her in-depth research with natural medicine and electro physiology
for the eyes. I spoke with my medical doctor who also integrated natural
medicine with his practice and I decided I had nothing to lose for
conventional medicine was a dead end at this point. Dr. Banker informed
me that she had never treated Retinoschisis but felt she could possibly
help stop any more vision loss and hopefully improve the vision left
with a reduction in the incredible light show that hindered my ability
to visually focus and mentally concentrate.

Finances were an issue because insurance was not
going to cover this treatment but Dr. Banker worked with me allowing
me to take charge of my condition. I could choose a course of action
to possibly improve my situation or sit back and accept that nothing
can be done and hope that the worse case scenario does not happen.

The overall environment and experience of Dr. Banker’s
clinic was extraordinarily pleasant. Unlike the normal physician office
visit, she treated my eye condition considering the wellness and sickness
of my body as a whole. The medical profession knows that the body
must work together for optimal health, unfortunately there are so
many specialty practices that this is often overlooked and treatment
is only geared toward the affected organ and not what may have caused
the diseased area.

I spent five days at Dr. Banker’s clinic and actually
saw amazing results the first day. The treatment, compassion and adjustment
of therapy relative to my improvement or no improvement subjectively
and objectively, allowed for significant reduction of flashes, swirling
lights, and floaters but the most impressive result was regaining
a significant portion of lost visual field that I was told would never
happen by the conventional medical profession.

I was fortunate enough to share the excitement of
a lady that is legally blind from uncontrolled diabetes, having exhausted
all conventional medical therapy, including multiple eye surgeries,
see the outline of her face in a mirror as she was walking out of
the clinic.

Dr. Banker not only helps to heal the physical being
but also gives hope back to those who feel hopeless.

My improvement is not only subjective. Upon returning
home, I performed another visual field test documenting significant

So is it natural medicine vs. conventional medicine?
The real question is why can’t natural medicine and conventional medicine
be used together to bring as much wellness to human beings as possible?

I am extremely aware of the negative attitude of
conventional medicine physicians and organizations toward the natural
medicine practice, however conventional medicine falls short in many
areas that natural medicine excels especially in the education of
total wellness. Do we need conventional medicine? Absolutely! I see
miracles everyday performed in the medical field, but I’m not so narrow-minded
or professionally threatened to think that natural medicine is of
no use. Each has proven its’ worth and I have witnessed that it works
well together. Dr. Banker proved that! My family, friends, and co-workers
can testify to the overall improvement of my health due to integrative
medicine, not one or the other. Conventional medicine doesn’t want
to believe it, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

Everyone should be allowed to make a well-informed
decision regarding his or her treatment. If natural medicine practitioners
are not allowed to treat the free public, then an individuals’ chose
has been denied and that denial was forged by conventional medicine
that kills hundreds of thousands of people a year. I am thankful that
I had the opportunity to choose Dr. Banker. We have forgotten that
all medicine started with trial and error, extensive research and
an open mind where anything is possible. That principle still holds
true. How much better treatment can one receive than from a trained
MD that integrates natural medicine?
